NIKO SEMICONDUCTOR CO., LTD. (NIKO-SEM) focus on the high performance power management components and the analog ICs. NIKO-SEM’s main products include Power MOSFET, linear Regulator, Switching Regulator and Control IC which are widely applied in the main-boards, VGA cards, LCD TVs, LCD Monitors, Power Adapters, Laptop Computers, Telecom & Network Equipments, etc.
NIKO SEMICONDUCTOR was established in 1987, publicly issued in 1992, and registered in Taiwan in 1993. As of April 1996, the total shares held by all directors and supervisors were 16.37%, and the brothers Yang Huiqiang held 14.49% of the shares with family management. In 1995, revenue was 2.13 billion, of which power metal oxide half field effect transistors accounted for 85.12%, linear regulator IC accounted for 12.09%, switching regulator IC accounted for 1.85%, pulse control IC and other 0.94%. According to IC-Insight data, it is estimated that the output value in 2007 will reach 36.6 billion US dollars (YOY = 11.4%), and the 2004-2008 (CAGR) is 8%, accounting for 16-17% of the overall semiconductor output value, so the global analog IC The industry is showing steady growth.
According to iSuppli data, based on the net revenues in FY94 and FY95, they accounted for approximately 0.15% and 0.26% of the global power semiconductor product market.
According to IEK statistics, in terms of net revenues in FY94 and FY95, they accounted for about 5.72% and 8.75% of the Taiwanese analog IC market. Wireless communication analog IC and interface analog IC are the two largest products of TI. The main products of American ADI are DataConversion and Amplifier. In recent years, they have also actively developed the market in the field of power management IC. European manufacturers STM, Philips and Infineon are clearly focusing on the automotive and communications fields. Ranked nine and ten, Japanese major manufacturers Matsushita and SONY products are concentrated in the Consumer application field.