Electronic components are also called electronic device, or circuit element . A basic element in an electronic circuit, usually an individual package, with two or more leads or metal contacts. Electronic components must be connected to form an electronic circuit with a specific function, and one of the common ways to connect electronic components is by soldering to a printed circuit board.
Electronic components may be individual packages called discrete components. Alternatively, multiple electronic components and circuits are fabricated on the surface of a semiconductor wafer in a concentrated and miniaturized manner to form groups of various complexities, which are called integrated circuits.
Types of Electronic Components
Active Electronic Components: Components that can excite and amplify, oscillate, control current or energy distribution and other active functions of electrical signals and even perform data operations and processing when energy is supplied, including various transistors, integrated circuits (ICs), images Tubes and monitors, etc.
Passive Electronic Components: It means that the electrical signal cannot be stimulated to amplify, oscillate, etc., and the response to the electrical signal is passively compliant, and the electrical signal passes through the electronic components according to the original basic characteristics, including resistance, capacitance, inductance, etc. are passive components.
Electronic Components and Their Function
Capacitors : Function of this Basic Electronic Components is to store electrical charge in an electrical field.
Diodes: Components that conduct electricity in only one direction.
Integrated Circuits or ICs: A microelectronic computer electronic circuit incorporated into a chip or semiconductor; a whole system rather than a single component.
Magnetic or Inductive Components : These are Electrical components that use magnetism.
Network Components: Components that use more than 1 type of Passive Component.
Piezoelectric devices, crystals, resonators : Passive components that use piezoelectric. effect.
Resistors: Components used to resist current.
Semiconductors: Electronic control components with no moving parts.
Switches: Components that may be made to either conduct (closed) or not (open).
Terminals and Connectors: Components to make electrical connection.
Transistors: A semiconductor device capable of amplification.
Electronic Components Abbreviations
AE:Aerial Antenna | B: Battery | BR: Bridge Rectifier |
C: Capacitor | CRT : Cathode Ray Tube | D or CR: Diode |
F: Fuse | GDT: Gas Discharge Tube | IC : Integrated Circuit |
J : Wire Link | JFET: Junction Gate Field-Effect Transistor | L: Inductor |
LCD: Liquid Crystal Display | LDR : Light Dependent Resistor | LED : Light Emitting Diode |
LS: Speaker | M: Motor | MCB: Circuit Breaker |
Mic: Microphone | Ne: Neon Lamp | OP: Operational Amplifier |
PCB: Printed Circuit Board | PU: Pickup | Q | R RLA / RY: Relay | SCR : Silicon Controlled Rectifier |
FET : Field Effect Transistor | MOSFET: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor | TFT: Thin Film Transistor (Display) |
VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration | DSP:Digital Signal Processor | SW: Switch |
T: Transformer | TH : Thermistor | TP: Test Point |
Tr: Transistor | U: Integrated Circuit | V: Valve (Tube) |
VC : Variable Capacitor | VFD : Vacuum Fluorescent Display | VR: Variable Resistor |
X: Crystal, Ceramic Resonator | XMER: Transformer | XTAL : Crystal |
Z : Zener Diode |