SEGGER Microcontroller develops and distributes a broad selection of hardware and software development tools, software components for embedded systems (microprocessorand associated components are incorporated into a device), as well as hardware debuggingand emulator tools, to provide broad support for most MCU core architectures. SEGGER created highly integrated,cost-effective programming and development tools, such as the Flasher(stand-alone flash programmer) and the industry leading J-Link/J-Traceemulator.
They at SEGGER Microcontroller are active in the industry of Embedded Systems.
Embedded Systems are small, specialized, computers operating inside a device that is not primarily a computer. Anything in today's world that has a display, or keys, or controls a motor, has an embedded computer and is considered an Embedded System. Examples range from telephones and cameras, to modern coffee makers and washing machines, to trains, planes, and automobiles, up to satellites and lunar rovers.
SEGGER has over twenty-five years of experience in Embedded Systems, producing state-of-the-art middleware, and offering a full set of hardware tools (for development and production) and software tools.
Their motto is: “It simply works”. This reflects in their products which are professional and easy-to-use in a complex, highly-technical, industry. Embedded Systems are a growing part of everyday life and they at SEGGER are passionate about being a part of it.
SEGGER is headquartered in Monheim, Germany, close to Düsseldorf, where administration, production and engineering takes place. The modern building is owned and exclusively occupied by SEGGER. It sits on a lot large enough for a second building, allowing them to grow further.
They also have their own U.S. office building in the Boston area, with room for further expansion, as well as branch operations in the U.K and Silicon Valley. They sell their products all over the world directly as well as through distributors.
segger is product portfolio consists of RTOS & Embedded Software/Debug & Trace Probes/Software Tools/Flasher / In-Circuit Programmers .