Advanced Photonix, Inc. (NYSE Amex: API) is professional in the design and development of high-performance silicon and III-V photodiodes, optoelectronic assemblies, and terahertz systems for markets worldwide and the mission of API is to support optoelectronic needs with a broad array of high-quality solutions.The Company has two manufacturing facilities: The corporate headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the other one is in Camarillo, CA.
With more than 30 years of combined experience in the field of optoelectronics and two world-class manufacturing facilities in India and Malaysia, they continue to put forth excellent engineering solutions aligned with efficient manufacturing to meet high-volume production requirements.
As one of the largest manufacturers of standard and custom photodiodes and optical sensors in the United States, they deliver engineering design support and manufacturing capabilities that include but are not limited to:
Commercial and Military Standard
X-ray products (CT scanner, Security System, Industrial
Inspection Apparatus
Opto Assembly (Optical switches, LED’s, cable assemblies)
Medical products (medical probes and analyzers)
Telecom and Data-com applications (SONET/SDH
application and fiber coupled assemblies)
PCB Assembly, Sub-System Assembly, Full system assembly (Box-Build)
Customer Satisfaction
Leading Innovation
Excellence in Service
Consistent Quality
Timely Delivery
API is product portfolio consists of LEDs Emitters/Optocouplers/Detectors