Silicon Power Corporation Completes Acquisition of Foundry Assets of Former Microsemi Wafer Fab
Malvern, PA – May 2, 2019 – Silicon Power Corporation on May 1, 2019 completed the acquisition of the foundry assets of the former Microsemi wafer fab located in Bend, Oregon. This site had been developing leading edge RF and Power devices in Silicon and Silicon Carbide for over 30 years.
Silicon Power is pleased to announce the formation of its new subsidiary company, SiCamore Semi, LLC, in Bend, Oregon. SiCamore Semi aims to enable the rapid development, prototyping and volume manufacturing of high-power devices in Silicon, Silicon Carbide and new materials, and enable their customers’ competitive advantage through the expertise and flexibility they can offer.
With corporate headquarters near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, Silicon Power Corporation is a globally recognized technology developer and solutions provider for design, development, testing and manufacturing of high-power semiconductor devices, high-power pulsed-power modules and high-power utility-applicable systems.
Silicon Power Corporation is a small U.S. business totally dedicated to the design, development and manufacture of power components, modules, products and sub-systems. Their success has been based upon their technical competence and their corporate flexibility. They have had a track record of successful partnerships with university, industrial and governmental entities to deliver state of the art solutions for power applications.
Under the leadership of Dr. Mehta since 1994, Silicon Power Corporation, a former division of General Electric Inc., has developed and perfected the SolidTRON? SGTO? Solid-State device; a ‘Keystone Building Block’ to support continuous development of high-performance, Hi-REL solid-state components, modules and systems to meet commercial, industrial, defense and national power applications.
Silicon Power Corporation is the recipient of the 2007 R&D 100 Award for SGTO? devices, has authored and carries more than 100 patents, and has earned a pristine reputation for development of application-specific technological solutions demanded by industrial and defense sectors.
Silicon Power Corporation Systems Division designs, manufacturers and tests a comprehensive offering of high-power, solid-state, modular distribution switchgear fully compliant to all voltage classes; urban, suburban, industrial, and utility/grid scale applications.
Silicon Power Corporation SolidTRON? Division designs, develops, manufactures and test two distinct SolidTRON? devices; Voltage Controlled (VCS) and Current Controlled (CCS).